Spike Wall
Root yourself for 3s to build a spike wall.
Vive Bean
Restore 202.5 Health and 60 Mana. Cleanses Anti-Heal. You are Vulnerable and Slowed by 50% for 2s, and the Heal is canceled if you take damage. Can be upgraded to a Vive Brew at a Basecamp.
Ethereal Smoke
Grants yourself and nearby allies stealth and 50 movespeed for 30s. Stealth is broken by combat or entering within 1500 units of an enemy hunter.
Slow yourself by 60% and become vulnerable for 5s to fully restore your health and mana. Taking damage cancels this effect.
Jump Pad
Place a jump pad that becomes active after 2s, launching anything that walks onto it. Jump pads last for 30s or 10s after launching a target.
Prophet's Potion
Channel for 0.5s to grant your team knowledge of future storm locations for 30s.
Scan Grenade
Throw a scan grenade that grants vision in an area for 60s. Enemies that leave the area remain visible for 3s. Reveals Stealthed enemies. Scan grenades have 500 health. You may only have one scan grenade active.
Storm Grenade
Throw a grenade that detonates into an expanding Storm that lasts 40s.
Vive Brew
Restore 405 Health and 120 Mana. Cleanses Anti-Heal. You are Vulnerable and Slowed by 50% for 2s, and the Heal is canceled if you take damage.
Anywhere But Here
Channel for 4s to relocate to a random location inside the next circle.